Homeowners associations....yuck. Our last house in Orlando had one and I was one of the few who kept our yards manicured to a 'T' ... no one said a word, good or otherwise. We bought a brand new boat (nice and shiny), kept it in storage and I would go get it the night before and park it in the driveway for the next days boating, well lo and behold if it wasn't but a couple of times that one particular piss ant complained our boat was parked in the driveway overnight so I got a ticket.

We moved to the beach, no homeowners association and the neighborhood looks ten times better than our other 'hood ... even with folks having huge boats, RVs parked beside their houses and all everybody keeps their yards very well manicured also. We're all a bunch of older rouges ... somebody brought up the idea of a homeowners associations a while back and collectively we dropped kicked that notion faster than light travel. Our next boat will be parked right beside the house where I poured a concrete pad specifically for it.

Nice pics Dennis, glad to hear you got the 80s back ... you know they sound equally as well in the house!

Our Room
