mdrew, thats quite interesting, I hadn't thought of that combo. thanks alot for your time and effort, I appreciate it. Now a few questions if I may:
1. why m60 center vice vp150? just guessing here, but woudn't the vp150 have a more . . . ummm even soundstage?
2. vert. or horiz. placement or m60 ? I presume horiz. just below TV.
3. qs8's I haven't the foggiest as to why I hadn't considered 4 of them for surrounds and rears as the yammy 2500 is a 7.1 rec.
placement? rears same spacing apart as the front mains? roughly 6 feet high, and same height for surrounds, mounted about 3 to 4 feet infront of seated ear position?

I must admit just now I am grinning like a cheshire cat in regard to your reply.

that sub, if I go with the HSU vtf-3 mk 2 I'd save about ... oh.. 340$. IF I go with it & "outlet Axioms" (putting me about 200$$$ under budget) On that note does anyone have a link to a compro of the vtf-3 mk2 vs. the ep500? I've not been able to find one. Reason i ask, is I've seen nothing still that convinces me that it is better, and it costs more $$$. I'm sure there has to be some in here that can speak to the quality of a sub other than Axiom's, be it HSU, SVS, OUTLAW. I guess I should reword a bit to say I've not been convinced that I would HEAR a bass reproduction from the ep500 that is discernably better than the HSU vtf-3 mk2. any DBT links?

appreciate the input guys, keep 'em comin' peepers