kcarlile thats funny stuff LOL

kingaljr , I found your reply interesting but lacking . . . something.

If I may.

Firstly audioholics is where I first found out about axiom speakers (as noted above) and maybe I'm being played the fool by their reviewers. but I don't think I am, every one of audioholic reivews I have read seem very well done and articulate, honest if you will.

The m80 review was the very first time I have ever heard the term "brite" and "forward" used to discribe speakers. ((admittedly I don't know much at all about the nomenclature used in this hifi circus)) I am learning as I go though . I have seen those two discriptors used in professional reviews of axioms, and as i found more sources of info in my research, I see it has trickled down to the "regular joe" .
I also have seen "warm" being tagged to onix rocket speakers, while in more searching for info I find that ONLY the 750 was warm, and none others, but still "average joe" still uses it to discribe the rocket line. So.... that being said i can "sorta" understand what you are getting at. As it seems axiom has fallen victim of the same "average joe" , spreading the same MISinformation about axiom's speaker line as has happened to the rocket line. So, to call everyone an idiot that has refered to axioms as brite, well, that just isn't right.

now a new question to all.

Can someone tell me when the "V2" designator was started? I have seen it on the forum for awhile. Now I see the V2 in the storefront listings. Also were all the changes made to all of the line? driver/s? crossover point/s? cabinet? Also is there a price difference between the ummmm... older V1's i guess I'll say and the new V2's? thanks