Maybe I'm just grumpy. Maybe I've grown weary of people trying to sincerely help and continuing to get vague and/or reworked questions. Maybe trolls have discovered Xanax.

When people start a comment with "don't take this the wrong way, but..." or "don't take offense, but...", it has always seemed to me that they are asking for permission to be rude instead of taking the time to consider or reformulate their interjection in a more polite or constructive way.

You get what you pay for when you pay for it.

Most Axiom owners who post here (and - I believe - elsewhere) perceive their speakers as a good value.

Stone_Man, I really believe you are overthinking this. Either go listen to some speakers and buy them, or take a chance on some Axioms. You've already confessed to being confused and frustrated with the acquisition process, so why drag it out further?

bibere usque ad hilaritatem