now maybe you know why I worded my post as I did, I didn't want what is happening right now to be happening, with the two replies I just read.
I'm not saying any change is or isn't worth anything, not trying to step on anyones toes, not trying to start world war three, not trying to do anything, except find out what has been changed.... and just in case you haven't thought of it, a discernable improvment may just be what lands more sales for Axiom. for crying out loud I only want to know what the differences are. I'm not asking for FBI secrets here. why is this such a big deal? you know what, if you guys are going to have a cow about it, just forget I asked about it then, and God forbid I question anything that is unclear to me. I'm simply someone trying to make sense of all of this hifi stuff, and you guys are acting I just called your little sister a slut or something and you wanna kick my @ss. sheesh I wouldn't be here asking questions if I didn't want to know. And I also wouldn't even be on this forum if I had no interest in Axiom speakers. again why is it such a big deal to ask about V2 and what has changed? Lastly I will not reply to any stupid questions about motives, spys or any other idiotic sh!t, I am a potential customer that wants to learn as much as I can about different makers products, and everything else I can learn,and I'm not afraid to ask questions so as to learn, afterall 3000$ is "a lot" of money to me, it may be a drop in the bucket to some but not me sorry. I came into my search with a thirst for knowledge and understanding. no desire to offend or be offended. I will not name names but other makers v this or series that, always comes with getting out word of the improvments made in the latest versions. so my being made to feel as though i have done something wrong is ree-dick-ah-lus & does not help Axiom sell any speakers, not in the least. This is the VERY LAST I will say on this matter. Period

Back on track now, has anyone perchance had or have any of the other speakers I am considering? that can lend objective or subjective input as to what you liked or didn't like about them? Or how you would say they differ form the mentioned Axiom setup? I would be most appreciative. Oh, not sure if I added it to the first post but NHT M6's are also on my list. thank you all that have helped and will help me to continue to learn in this most interesting . . . ummm hobby. Peace

whatza spel cheker?