firstly, thanks Tharkun. no worries m8

wid, hehe I like your reply.

some questions and comments.
I used the word ANY , any OR all. That was my way to try to cover anything and pull out ANY info from any one that would like to share their thoughts.

No matter how you meant the "dart board" comment to come across. It made me laugh, honestly. Cause in MANY ways thats just what i have before me. but instead of just picking up the darts and chucking them, I am trying to determine which target to aim my darts, so I CAN WIN the dart game. afterall you have THREE darts to throw, and for me being ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS a dart, I most certainly want to do my best to most fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of each target I may hit.

Bottom line is this: being as I can't audition like those that are stateside can, I am trying to gather as much objective as well as subjective information as possible, about this MAJOR purchase. Personally I think I am taking the best approach to this that one can take.

If there is anyone that can tell me of a better way to go about this , being in my situation, by all means please do tell.

Some may view my questions as ticky tack, or meaningless, when they should be viewed to mean that Axiom's are still high on my list and I want to AGAIN make the most informed purchase decision that I can. Because the fact of the matter is, some company/or companies is going to get my money. I am going to purchase speakers without auditioning them directly.

So, as I see it, my being online and searching for and gathering any and all info I can, from as many sources as I can, on my "dart targets", THIS IS MY AUDITION!

lastly, again, If there is anyone that can tell me of a better way to go about this , being in my situation, by all means please do tell.