Thanks for the replies guys, I appreciate it. I really like the dart board reference. I 've thought about that quite a bit really. It really sums it up quite well.

I can tell you that if I go all Axiom it'll be

from what has been said here, I have run dry on info seeking here on the axiom forum as to what "brand" to choose. But if I can get thoughts on different aspects of home audio here that would be great. As i see it there are some quite knowledgeable folks here on this forum, that I can learn from IF I ask questions.

So If i may . . . Keeping the same brand across the front is now a MUST for me (learned from reading and input) the one question I would have about speakers and mixing is just how important is staying with the same name speakers for the surrounds or rears, as the front end is? I've not found much info on it. except some saying the "timbre" (<--i believe the word is) should be matched, does that come down to driver size? type? or is there more to it than that?
So would it sound like crap if I were to get the QS8's and use them with another makers front end speakers? or even the other way around having Axiom's on the front end and diff maker's on the rear?

Auditioning, there again is my thorn in the side. where I am I 'may' be able to audition speakers is about an 10-12 hours drive away in the big city. I have NO idea what if anything they would have that anyone would have even heard of. That is compounded by the fact I have never been to that city, and in this country 'english' is not the first language, so it would be like looking for a needle in a GIANT haystack with signs that may as well have been from outer space. so there is that barrier as well.

If I get helpfull input here on the Axiom forum or not. I have a desire to learn and gather as much info as I can, BEFORE , I make my leap of faith and I will continue my quest regardless.

afterall why does one need prior knowledge of other speakers to get help? Everyone started somewhere. I say I want the most true to life speakers that are not going have TOO much push in the high end so as to make my ear "flip". What more detail is needed than that? Maybe its just being stupid , but I would have thought that would be enough. And In my question asking online I have assembled a list of choices that most think ANY will be good
choices, and i have amassed this list with NO prior knowledge and NO auditioning.

Just imagine that you all are my ears, I'm able to hear how different speakers sound through you and your individual interpritations of what you are hearing. Imagine I then that we meet and you share your thoughts about what you heard. That is how it feels to me I understand the same speaker sounds different to different people, that is EXACTLY why I ask views from so many that HAVE be able to audition any of those that I am interested in. Take this all as you will, ignore me, or share with me. ITS ALL GOOD.

spel chk schmell chk