
I’d not expect anyone on this board to recommend any other speaker but Axiom. Most of us have them and most of really, really like them. There are a large percentage of us who like them just for their sound characteristics and really couldn’t give a rat’s ass what they cost either….in other words, to some of us, we’d have them even if they were double the price. So don’t listen too hard to some of the folks who always, for some reason or other feel they have to throw in this silly “great speaker for the money” disclaimer when they talk about them.

They are bright. So what? It’s just a term, slang, an adjective. Some people hate bright speakers and they say that they give them headaches. Some people like boomy/bass heavy speakers that they call lade back. It’s all a personal preference. Some folks think Bose sounds just fantastic. Some like JBL. Way different sounding speakers. I think they suck, but that doesn’t mean they do suck. They don’t give me headaches, but I never really get into the music with them. I need a very detailed speaker or I get bored and have to go fire up the dirt bike or do some other foolish thing that involves adrenalin. My speakers sooth me and calm me down. I have not ever in my 40 years been able to sit still and not do anything - until I got a set of M80’s and their sound just sucked me in. My girlfriend was scared something serious was wrong with me when she came home and I was sitting in front of the speakers don’t nothing but listening. JBL and Bose could never do that for me. That’s what this “hobby” is all about. Finding the sound that can draw you in and turn you into a vegetable. You will not find it asking folks to choose for you.

So you need to go out and figure out what type of sound you prefer. Go to any store you can find, listen to all they have and take notes. Then, come on back and tell us what you think. I bet that there will be someone on this board that has heard them and can tell you if they are a bright, warm, detailed or whatever…..type of speaker. They you will know what speakers to leave on your shopping list and what to take off.