to me that was a very good reply overall mdrew , thanks
I wouldn't exactly say I want you guys to choose for me, but I want instead , just what u have done, you gave me your view on the speakers that u have listened to. And your take on the axiom m80's. I am sorta suprised that u started off with "They are bright. So what?". I like that an honest view of how they sound to you. It seems many here equate saying an axiom is brite is a total condemnation of them. If it a general characteristic of them then it is. So again, i thank you for your candor, and not just saying something that is a half truth in your eyes " ears" simply to justify to yourself that u made the right choice and your speaker can't be viewed by discriptors other than the likes of perfect.

Again, my whole reason for wanting honest input such as yours is because of my ear problem. It's been years since my last hearing test. but I would guess if there is a. don't know the words so bare withme. deviation from flat response, a spike, whatever it is, at (guessing) anywhere from 2K to 5K range that may "set off" my ear distortion. It could be at a higher level, not sure but that would be my guess. So that is why I ask about the as u say forwardness or briteness of it. I really like everything about what I have read about axioms , paid reviews or personal views.

another thing noone has mentioned, could the yammy rx-v2500 through eq maybe stop the speaker from being something that would get rid of or lessen the crack-ly highs? Bottom line is I would hate my ear to start its thing the first time I cranked the m80s a bit.

Again I don't know diddly squat but , would I be correct to assume that the m60 may give my ear less troulbe compared to the m80 , cause it only has one tweeter. or an overall less . um... pronounced highs?

thanks again folks,