I don’t have time or the inclination to play word games. A spade’s a spade to me. You want my opinion, that’s what you’re gunna get. And I won’t even try to be politically correct or nice or mean. Just straight. That’s who I am.

Yes, I think they are bright and that word doesn’t bother me in the least bit. When I think about the meaning of the work bright, I believe that adjective fits. But just what is that description??? In the audio work thesauruses, detailed will be right next to the word bright. I just don’t care what the word is. They are extremely detailed. You can hear a spider fart in the recording studio with these speakers (not literally, but you get my drift). The only speakers that can reproduce detail to that degree will be considered “harsh/bright/in your face” or what the hell other some half deaf thumpity-thump lover wants to call them. Is there too much treble??? For 75% of the music I listen to, no, I like them just the way they are. For the other 25%, yes, too much for me. That 25% is all hard alternative rock (Breaking Benjamin / Seether / Chevelle) that has a lot of intense guitar and hard vocals. For the rest of my collection, I wouldn’t live without it. I’ve got two 400 disk changers filled with just about everything from blues, jazz, classic rock, metal, country, celtic, light and easy stuff, classical, instrumental, blue grass, contemporary, and other stuff I don’t even know what to call. I like it all. I just had a hearing test today and was told my hearing is as close to perfect as a human can be. Take that for what it’s worth.

Can you EQ it out? Yes you can. Any receiver with tone controls will allow you to back down the treble a couple db’s. If you get them and really like the speakers but just feel as if they have too much treble, either drop the treble or call Axiom. Tell them what you think and if they think resisters will help, they’ll send you some to put in line with the tweeters (20 minute job). They knock down the treble a db or so. You never hear about these things and I’m probably gunna get an ass chewing for mentioning them because Axiom goes to a lot of trouble building speakers to roll off the assembly line as is. The resisters change their sound.

I’m beginning to feel like a salesman and I really don’t like salesman, so this is my last “sales’ post. Go out and listen. I can’t give you any more information that I already have.

Good luck.