Nice set up fellas.

I'm in the process of configuring my inlaws HT. We're reusing their older MK's. Got a smaller STF3 sub to replace the huge MK they had. Monitor is a 1080p Pio Pro FHD1, GORGEOUS. New Oppo 981H, Sonos, AVR2807, and Tivo S3. Right now we're using Comcast DVR and it still looks fantastic uncalibrated. I also got them a Harmony 880 on Dell for $120. Makes me want to upgrade now...

My Xmas was nice, mostly stuff I got myself. Got a Wii last month but scored a PS3 from a Canadian friend. It's in transit. I probably will just use it as a Blu Ray player at the in laws, the Wii is too much fun. Got a Tivo S3 for myself as my friend's wife got me a discount. I was convinced after Tivo agreed to transfer lifetime service from DirecTV. Then I got a 3" lift kit for my 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser. My toy box is full this year. WOO HOO!

Hope everyone else is having a good holiday. Mine's been great. Great gifts and a happy healthy family. I've been blessed for sure.