I did notice that the other two amps in the Emotiva lineup are wider than the standard 17". I wish I knew the answer to that question.

*Non defensive mode on*
In regards to the "thinness" of the emotiva amps, IMHO I can't say that it's true. To me, the Emotiva amps have a full, rich sound to them. Yesterday I sent the bpa's back to tennessee(30 day trial had ended) and hooked the mains back to my trusty(hasn't croaked yet) hk230. The speakers just didn't have that same presence as before when the bpa's were hooked up. They sounded, well, a bit thin. Totally serious here. My hk amps just don't have "it".
*Non defensive mode off*

All that matters is what you feel comfortable in purchasing. I don't think you can go wrong either way.

AV123 Refugee - X-LS Encore, X-Voce, X-Omnis, Elt-Dpa's
Denon AVR-591
Magnavox NB500MGX BDP