I'm sure you know this, but I case you didn't, the lmc-1's switcher is for video only. Still a viable option to have though. Let me add a little more to the lmc-1. Even though most of the bugs have been ironed out, the few remaining are either being taken care or in the process of being eliminated. Just waiting on marjen to update us on the newest firmware upgrade...

I've settled upon the LPA-1 or MPS-1. If I go with the MPS-1, I will only purchase three channels for now...and let the receiver power the side surrounds.

If you need some serious lmc-1 info, search the Rocket Forum Archives. There are numerous biased and unbiased reviews, threads, questions, comments etc. The Emotiva line, up until the recent split, was distributed through AV123. So it makes sense that most of the info would be there.

Good luck!

AV123 Refugee - X-LS Encore, X-Voce, X-Omnis, Elt-Dpa's
Denon AVR-591
Magnavox NB500MGX BDP