Just a few more questions. In looking at Outlaw, it appears the 970 has a few issues, similar to the Emotiva LMC-1. Both companies are actively seeking solutions, but I am hesitant on making a purchase. I like the amps both companies provide, Emotiva having the edge on cost.

My question is, are there any other companies that make seperates direct to the consumers like the above two? I like dealing direct, like Axiom and not through other channels. Emotiva and Outlaw seem to have affordable solutions for people wanting to jump into the seperates world.

Just curious if there are others I should consider with a similar sales channel and quality.

Thanks, Randy

M80s VP180 4xM22ow 4xM3ic EP600 2xEP350
AnthemAVM60 Outlaw7700 EmoA500 Epson5040UB FluanceRT85