Just three amps my friend. I asked them about it through email and they said you could jump into any configuration that you wanted. One, two, three, four, five, etc...


You can purchase the chassis separately ($305.00) and each EPM-300 module is ($199.00). So you can set it up in any configuration you would like. We also have a EPM2150 module which is a two channel version (2x 150) at $249.00

I agree with your statement on "what to do". I'm having a hard time deciding which one to purchase. I want to do it before the free shipping comes to an end, so I can save a few more bucks. Decisions, decisions...

AV123 Refugee - X-LS Encore, X-Voce, X-Omnis, Elt-Dpa's
Denon AVR-591
Magnavox NB500MGX BDP