
Many of you may know that I'm a collector of comic book original art. Well, I've had the notion of starting an artists rep business in this field for awhile, and I think I'm finally going to give it a go.

I need a name. I'd always wanted a comic business named "The Funny Farm", but alas, just about every iteration of that is taken on the web. I thought of "Wednesday's Heroes"...though that may be too obscure. I figured you guys came up with some great stuff for Axiom, I'd pick your brains as well.

The only prize I can offer is my gratitude. Sorry...no free speakers here.

Unbreakable Comics

Ties into a great movie by M. Night about comics.

I recently have gotten into the World of Warcraft collectible card game (I play the online game too). Most of the art has been done by people in the business (ie Todd McFarlane) and I have to say the artwork on those cards is partly why I enjoy playing it so much. My wife doesn't know it yet (she plays too) but her bday present is going to be 2 art sets that upperdeck is releasing based on that game.

Whatever name you choose, I wish you the best of luck in finding new talent. I for one can do math, read at great speeds and troubleshoot anything mechanical or electrical with ease....but have NEVER been able to draw. I respect those who can.