Hey Pat, confused yet? M80s are easy to drive, but at 4 ohms they shut some (quite a few) receivers down. The 705 is a well built receiver and will have no issues with the higher current draw associated with a 4 ohm speaker, but this guy had problems with his 805 shutting down all the time.

Both of these statements are contradictory.

I think the first is easy to resolve. I think a lot of people equate efficient (fewer watts to produce 75db at xx distance) with easy to drive. However, given that the M80 has a habbit of shutting down certain brands of receivers (under ??? conditions) suggests that this is not true. I think it would be more accurate to describe the M80s as efficient, but particular.

As for the second one, who knows. That particular receiver could have been shutting down for any number of reasons including an inability to handle the current load.

OK, everybody feel free to poke holes in my logic.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!