I would suggest you consider a good rear projection. I was looking to upgrade my video about a year and a half ago and refused to consider the rear projection because of the problems with viewing angle and lighting conditions. When I walked into Best Buy and saw the new projection tv's I had to rethink my choices. I ended up backing off from a purchase until I could spend a month or so in research.

Then a friend bought the mitz 55 inch widescreen, the very one I was looking into. Now I could see it in a home, not a dark store. I was amazed. Not only that, but he had his TV in this little room where he sits about four feet away and the resolution was still amazing with regular TV. DVD pro scan was even better.

A week later I had the same TV in my house. My room is similar to yours, @12x25x10. I have three large windows on my left, slider door behind my sitting area, and a kitchen on the right with more windows. For about an hour during sunset lighting is slightly a bother but managable with my blinds. As for viewing angle, I have no trouble viewing my screen while cooking in the kitchen, a very large off set from my screen.

I have been more than happy with my purchase, in fact if I can get my wife talked into it, I want to upgrade to a 65 inch with the new DVI input.

The 55 inch wide screen I bought a year and a half ago cost me $2100 after some smooth talking on my part. You can buy the same TV for $1900 without any wheeling and dealing.

Three friends of mine just purchased rear projections in the size your talking about (46 in) and I think they paid about $1400.

Hope this helps