Originally Posted by Kodiak
Requoted here from the other thread:
"The triple woofers are 800W, each mid is 75W for a total of 300W and each tweeter is 25W for a total of 100W. Hence 1200W."
Mojo has been quite on how he came up with that. My recommendation would be to drive each with 2 channels of the same amp. In that case everything works and the issue is moot. Trying to optimize amps to each is kind of impractical and as you say a mental exercise.

if I were to attempt it I'd measure the current that's being drawn by each speaker input at several frequencies and calculate it from there. But it takes some equipment you probably don't have. A function generator and a decent multimeter. You can do it manually or if both of these can be controlled by computer automated. Then guesstimate a nominal impedance from each input graph

I'd pass this by Mojo to see if he thinks this cheat might work ... but you might get away with measuring the DC resistance of each input and use that to get a rough estimate of how the power in would be divided. Not the best way but it might give a good enough result ... by the way the power split is inversely proportional to resistance.