There is no harm in going with a 1500 for the M60. Recognize though that the 1500 can, if you turn up the receiver gain enough, totally incinerate your M60. That is not the case with the M5. I don't know about the M60HPv4. The limitation there may be the crossover board.

Before you do anything, I urge you to write to Andrew. Ask him what the rated average and peak power is for M60HPv4. If the rated is at least 400W, I strongly urge you to set aside any dreams of owning ALFRs and going to ADA-1500-2 and M60HPv4.

If you decide you must keep the ALFR option open, ask Andrew what your ADA roadmap possibilities are so that you don't strand your investment.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated