Boy, do I ever understand your predicament. When I was conspiring to purchase the Axioms, and yes I do mean conspire, after my wife had picked out the living room furniture (see how all this works out) I would ask things like "Wouldn't it be nice to have music in the living room?" and "What do you think of matching speakers on either side of the entertainment center?". Based upon her responses, I prepared an argument for the day when the speakers arrived. I had everything planned out - the speakers would arrive, I'd unbox them, and place them before she ever knew what happened. Then, once they were up, she would see how well they blended. Heck, if all else failed, I still had 30 days to return them. Oh, what a sad day that would have been.

Did this plan ever go to crap. First, I was floored by how big the M80s were. Second, while unboxing everything in the garage, she comes home for lunch! Funny, we all know we're in trouble when our wives give the situation a passing glance as they walk out the door. Everything else was the same, including the parting kiss. But that glance…

As I nervously placed the speakers in their designated area and hooked up the rest of the system, everything arrived at the same time, I thought to myself, she's going to kill me. Once in place with music filling the entire area, I felt more at ease. Except for one thing, and there is no way of getting around it, holy crap these things are big!

The moment arrived when she came home. Her first comment to me "Those are huge!" Knowing my God given instruments, I knew she could only be referring to the speakers. The day went on without a hitch. Her only question to me was "How much?" When I told her, she didn't flip out. But the next day I did notice the empty slot in my wallet were the credit card used to be. Come to think of it, it’s still empty.

Along with the M80s, I purchased the QS8s with stands. The way the living room is setup, there is no place to properly wall-mount them, so the stands are the only way to go. Overall, the total setup looks pretty good and my wife has had no complaints. She has commented on how different the QS8s look. But when we are watching movies, she thoroughly enjoys them. And that is what we are all after anyway, right?

I'll try to post pics later. Good luck!

Axiom stuff, Denon stuff, & Sony stuff