OK guys, my grandkids agree with you entirely, "Cartoons-and animated features-RULE!"

The point I was trying to make though about listening to the cartoon orchestral peices; ricwilli, was that the M50s(and I'm sure the M60s and certainly the M80s) just sound so much Bigger, more robust and even "Healthier" than the M3s on the same pieces. I'm using the same sub, receiver, same 80hz crossover point and same speaker location as I used with the M3s, so I have a pretty good comparison of the two to work from.

To level the playing field a bit toward the bookshelfs, my listening room is almost too large for the M3s-which is why I bought the M50s in the first place-and the room layout is not actually ideal for ANY type of speaker. I'll be working on room acoustics in the near future however, as well as getting my new receiver-with 60hz crossover-up and running too.

I don't know how the M22s with a sub sound compared to the M50s, but I do know there is a major difference and improvement between the M3s with a sub to M50s and a sub, in "My" room.

The m3s, at any rate just sound "Smaller" then the M50s.
