I think I agree with you about the M22s-it can handle a larger room than the M3s-and it certainly would have been a step up. It slots in quite well between the M3 and the M50s. It beats both the M3 and M50 an clarity and accuracy acording to all reports, it also plays louder with less strain then the M3s. Where the difference comes in, and this is only to "MY" ears, is that the M50s sound like big M3s! (I've had M3s for over four years and have grown quite attached to them)so naturally I wanted to get a set of Big 3s. What suprised me however, is the small differences between the M3 and M50s. The M50s, compared to the M3s are actually slightly more Foreward! And just ever so slightly Drier. (I only notice this in stereo mode) I'm guessing the M50s are also just ever so slightly more accurate! Again, I now have a large, goofy listening area that needs lots of work and I'm driving the M50s at levels that would have the M3s to the point of gasping.(another of the reasons I purchased the M50s, the M3s were straining at HT levels) So I may well be comparing speakers at levels where the M50s are "Happy" and the M3s are "Not"

The main point that I was trying to make though, was the ammount of presence the M50s have in my room, my wife even commented on the "Robust" sound they produce compared to the "Old" speakers. And She ain't one to impress easily!

My overall impression on the M22s is that they are generally a more accurate and cleaner sounding speaker than the M50, but that they sound somewhat smaller even than the M3,(due to the way the bass is presented-the M3s cheat with a bass hump that makes then sound larger, and better able to "Stand Alone"without a sub) So I guess in this case...

(Please forgive me...)

"Size Does Matter"