With Integra, your options are limited where you can buy them. They are only sold by high end A/V shops (usually) where they perform custom home installs. I had no luck finding an on-line dealer. …..so I paid MSRP. $699

If I would have known then that I would be using this thing for CD only, I would have bought a NAD or Rotel CD/MP3 Changer. They are not as expensive, and probably better machines. But if you want DVD/SACD/DVDA/CD/MP3/WMA/CDR....the 8.5 does it all. It’ll even play them all on random. Some of the universals don't have that option.

I considered the mega changers, but I have a small problem…..time. I know that I would not ever take the time to load it up and catalogue everything. 6 disks are enough for me.

I also have to make a correction to my earlier post. The Integra’s PQ is better than my Toshiba 6200. While watching Starsky and Hutch last night, and drinking some Crown on ice, Starsky’s car looked funny. The white stripe was not clear and kind of blurred into the red. Not knowing for sure if it was the player or the third cocktail, I backed it up and watched it over a couple times. Still there. Then when they were pantomiming, the black and white striped shirts were fuzzy and the lines were all screwed up. This is the fourth drink by now. So by this time, I had enough liquid curiosity to motivate myself into changing the players around. I then watched the parts of the DVD where I noticed problems, and they were gone. The Integra had no problems with the white stripe or the black and white shirts.

So thanks. Now I have to buy a new DVD player. Crap……there goes another grand.

And the Kenwood that I had before (that the Integra plays better) is a model # DP-M6650 – if you get the itch to compare the two.