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Re: The usual suspects...
Adrian #246793 02/13/09 10:20 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Adrian
I can personally attest to the fact that Axiom owners (including the ones mentioned) have respect for other brands besides Axiom. Personally, IMHO your statement regarding those members of this forum could be taken quite! never mind what Jake, SirQ and Grunt say about Axiom speakers, go on audioreview and see what other people have to say. \:\) I don't know about you but 4.83 out of 5 is well...pretty good from that many reviewers.

Yes, I know they respect other brands, which is more than I can say for most of the folks over at the polk forums ;\)

Re: The usual suspects...
PeterChenoweth #246794 02/13/09 10:25 PM
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 Originally Posted By: PeterChenoweth
Welcome to the group. The bottom line around here is that, yes, this is an Axiom sponsored forum and therefore most of us are here to talk about how much we love our Axioms. There is a certain amount of 'fanboy'-ism around here, but it's pretty light (IMHO). As someone else mentioned, we're pretty respectful of other brands (well, except Bose ;\) ). I've been here for many years and I've never come across any situation where Axiom has censored the thread to keep out bad or controversial reviews.

 Originally Posted By: Cactrot
I went to another store to audition some paradigm and klipsch products but the only ones that I thought sounded any good were the paradigm studio 100's... a little out of my price range, unfortunately. They didn't have the studio 60's but I heard all the monitor line and was not very impressed for the price.

I started my Axiom system with a pair of M22's several years ago. When I eventually wanted to upgrade to floor-standing speakers, I sought out a Paradigm dealer to listen to the SR line, as I was specifically interested in comparing them to what I had heard in my M22's. The dealer had SR100's and SR20's. I liked the way the SR20's sounded - very much like my M22's. Clean & detailed, with a surprising amount of presence for bookshelves. I was less impressed with the SR100's. As I recall, they weren't bad, but I for the price I wasn't really blown away by them. The highs were a bit too bright for me, and the bass seemed a bit too muddy. Just a touch, anyway. And yes, they were too expensive. If you thought the SR100's sounded pretty good, I'd bet that you'd really like the way M80's sound.

If you're looking for brick-and-mortar speakers to compare to, try to find a B&W dealer. Everyone's ears and expectations are different, but to me, B&W 703's sound *very* similar to M80's. At least I think so. In my speaker shopping, this was one set of speakers that my wife & I really liked. We just couldn't stomach the price.

I bought my M80's with the intention of sending them back if they weren't what I expected. As you can probably guess, I kept them.

the axioms, bright, shrill, harsh...

Ahh yes, the common criticisms. Our brains adapt to everything. Some speaker manufacturers over-emphasize the bass & midrange. This results in a 'warmer', or 'richer' sound. But sometimes they go to far, and it turns almost 'muddy'. Some people really like this quality, either because they just do or because their brains are trained to it. And that's fine. To each his/her own. But if you spend some time listening to more expensive speakers, what I've found is that the speakers become more accurate. Highs become more defined, mid-ranges become more seamless, and bass becomes strong, powerful, and extremely accurate. Cheap speakers might be all midrange; with dead highs and boomy, bloated bass.

The best example I've ever heard is in the B&W line, as I have a good full-line B&W dealer nearby. 600-series speakers have a nice and rich midrange, but the highs and lows left something to be desired. Less bass, less treble, more midrange. 700-series speakers have more bass, more treble, and less midrange. They sound much more natural and controlled. Music becomes more 'real', and the speakers more easily disappear. 800-series speakers take it to a different level, with sparkling highs, incredibly smooth & natural midrange, and amazing bass that's both tight & detailed and very powerful. Of course, the top of the 800 series are like $10,000/pair speakers. But I've heard the same thing with many speaker lines, such as Polk, Vienna Acoustics, Energy, Klipsch, Paradigm, even Sony.

In a properly set up system, the better the speakers are they more they simply vanish into the soundstage. To me, that's the hallmark of an 'excellent' speaker. So good, you don't even know it's there. Both my M22's and M80's are very good at this.

That's where Axiom shines. They're *all* accurate. From the Audiobytes to the M80's. Sure, there are subtle differences between the lines, but M22's have extremely similar sonic qualities to the M80's. The M80's just have more presence and more power. That's what makes them amazing, IMHO. There isn't a 'budget' line of sound quality. They're *all* excellent. Why? Because I don't think Axiom believes in making substandard lines at specific price points.

jakewash, sirquack, grunt, are always recommending axiom, but no one else. This puts up a huge red flag for me.

Oh man, I wouldn't trust any of them. ;\) Those are some of the biggest posters around here. What you've seen is the fact that they like to defend Axiom's on other boards.


I truly hope I don't offend anyone with this post. I just thought I'd point out this pattern I've seen and wanted to bring it up.

We're a pretty easy-going bunch. Fights are few and far between around here. The bottom line is that the vast majority of us are extremely happy with our Axioms. That's why we're here. So you'll find a lot of happy people. Axiom seems to be a good company. Many here have toured the factory and met the employees. They seem to be genuinely good people making a genuinely good product. Sure, there are occasional problems with products. But I can't remember ever reading of a situation where Axiom didn't do everything they could to make it right.

But what should you do? My best advice is to seek out someone who lives nearby that owns Axiom speakers. Many of us are happy to give demos of our systems. There's an official list of demo sites under the 'Hearing Things' area. After all, the only way to decide if you like Axiom speakers are to hear them.

Good luck!

Thanks for this awesome post. Much appreciated. I think many people's descriptions of "bright" and "harsh" are due to today's obsession with bass heavy music and thumping car stereos. When someone goes from hearing that to a truly accurate speaker with a rich high end, they find it "harsh". Just my opinion, of course.

Re: The usual suspects...
casey01 #246798 02/13/09 10:33 PM
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 Originally Posted By: davidsch
I would look in the Hearing Things section for someone in your area that would be willing to give you an audition. It's all a matter of personal taste as to whether you will think they are bright or not and you won't know until you try them. If you liked the Studio line of the Paradigms, you will likely enjoy the Axioms.

yes, I've read many times how similar they are. Also, when I auditioned them side by side with some klipsch (which everyone says are even "brighter" than axioms due to their horn tweeter) I didn't find them to be much less bright than the klipsch. Maybe I didn't listen to them long enough to be "fatiguing"... or maybe I just like a bright sounding speaker, I usually find "warmer" sounding speakers a little muddy, to be honest.

 Originally Posted By: casey01
In this discussion and especially for a first time buyer there is a very important element which should not be underestimated. With Axiom if you don't like the speakers, you can send them back within thirty days for a FULL REFUND. As we have all known for years, speakers can sound great in the store yet sometimes not as good when you get them home. Unless you can somehow arrange something in advance, if you buy from a retailer and you don't like them, you are stuck with them.

I believe that should give you a pretty good idea as to how much confidence the company(Axiom)has in their product line.

I agree with this for sure. I asked the paradigm dealer about in home trials and he basically said I could return them within seven days if I wanted but it's certainly not encouraged as a 'trial' period.

Re: The usual suspects...
casey01 #246800 02/13/09 10:39 PM
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Hey, I get no money from Axiom, no perks, no free stuff, and let me say that the good things that you've heard about Axiom's are true. I would be happy to make a post on those forums since I am a member of all of those forums. I just find that at some of them (IE AVS) just has too many "weeds" to wade through to make most discussions worth while. I do subscribe to several home theater build threads, and some other areas, but the constant "pissing matches" in some of the equipment threads (receiver brands, speaker brands, projectors, etc) has kept me out of those areas.

The other forums are better, but I just don't have time to be on THAT many forums (I have many other hobbies too that I try to keep up on)...

Farewell - June 4, 2020
Re: The usual suspects...
jakewash #246802 02/13/09 10:47 PM
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 Originally Posted By: jakewash
 Originally Posted By: Cactrot

Now I do know that one person's "harsh" is the next person's "accurate" and that it generally seems to be the same few people that are continually propagating these claims. On the other hand, the only people I ever see defending and recommending axiom are the most prolific posters on axioms own forums. On all the threads where axiom is mentioned over at avsforum, audioholics, hometheatershack, etc, it's always the same few people defending axiom: jakewash, sirquack, grunt, are always recommending axiom, but no one else. This puts up a huge red flag for me. Are these posters being compensated by axiom to continually defend and recommend axiom products? Why do no other owners step up to defend or recommend axiom? These guys all have thousands of posts on axioms forums so it's hard to take their opinion as non biased.

Don't I wish I was being compensated!!!!!!

Someone has to stand up to those that spout off about things they know nothing about, and obviously I have no life other than surfing the audio forums \:\( .

If you read many of my posts I still offer support and advise people to audition many brands and pick the ones they like the best, just happens to be I like Axiom and think many are missing out on a great product due to the few that like to trash talk Axiom for no other reason than they have read it some where. For those that have heard Axiom and still did not like them, most appear too have heard them many years ago, so not a very accurate review on their part.

I have mentioned that I find Axioms to be not a smooth as Studio 100s but at half the price and almost all the same benefit of the 100s I can put up with a little edge to my music(even then it is only at loud volumes ~90db and up), sounds more like a live performance to me this way any way.

I have also recommended kef/orb/Rockets and many other products to those not wanting the 'Axiom' sound.

Anyway, as the others have mentioned, check for someone nearby to give you an audition this way you won't have to spend a dime for return shipping if you do not like the Axiom sound, although I suspect you will as you like Paradigm.

Hi Jason! I was hoping I'd get a reply from you since I see you posting on other forums more than anyone else here (unless they post under different names ;).

I have read your posts recommending other products instead of axiom and I think you're very honest. I did really like the sound of the studio 100's but, like I said, they're out of my price range. When you say there's a "little edge" to the music on the m80's when turned up over 90db, do they become unlistenable at this volume? Do they become sibilant? How about when listening to the m22s at that volume? I don't listen loud very often but I'd like to be able to crank them (m22s) up once in a while.

I have looked for a local audition but it seems there are no owner's in my area (north okanagan, bc.. about five hours east of vancouver). However, I have not contacted axiom directly, as many people have recommended. I think I'd rather listen to them with my own set up in my own room anyway.. hopefully I won't have to return them. I'm pretty sure I'll keep the QS8's, anyway, as they seem to be universally praised.

Re: The usual suspects...
Cactrot #246813 02/13/09 11:51 PM
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I'm probably one of the newest Axiom owners on the board--considering that I don't actually "own" them yet, that'll happen on Monday or Tuesday.

At this point I can only testify to the other owners and not the product. Though that's one thing I've already found to be very special. I lurked this forum for about a week before I placed my order (having researched the speakers anywhere I could find them mentioned on Google). With only reading the posts here, I felt very at ease with making my purchase; like others have iterated this forum isn't like many of the other A/V boards out there.

Still, I was reluctant to mention what other non-Axiom equipment I own, because of how I've been treated in other places. Though I've since come around, and not one person jumped on me at all. No comments about an underpowered receiver, or even hints that I should have bought something else. Heck, on some of the maker-agnostic boards if you don't have the exact same setup as the person who is reading your post you must be a complete idiot who just likes throwing money away (except here, apparently everyone is eventually required to own M80s ;\) ).

So yeah, I expected the people here to recommend Axioms--that's why they are here. But in just a few days, I've seen plenty of open-mindedness toward mixing and matching what ever works for a particular person's ears, room or budget. And if the speakers are as good as everyone seems to report, it is no wonder they get recommended elsewhere by owners. Though that's yet to be seen (heard) by me; Tuesday can't come soon enough!

Pioneer PDP-5020FD, Marantz SR6011
Axiom M5HP, VP160HP, QS8
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Re: The usual suspects...
ClubNeon #246814 02/14/09 12:03 AM
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(except here, apparently everyone is eventually required to own M80s ).

Just so you know, the M80's "4 ohm posse" has been getting carried's actually the M60s that are required. ;\)

LIFE: "Choices, balance, and timing"

Re: The usual suspects...
LT61 #246815 02/14/09 12:06 AM
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Not even close Larry, you just don't listen \:\)


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." Sigmund Freud

Re: The usual suspects...
LT61 #246816 02/14/09 12:08 AM
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It's all good, whatever speakers you choose to go with M22s, 60s or 80s. ( ;\) ) {secret code to M80 owners for meeting about possible M60 uprising}

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Re: The usual suspects...
LT61 #246817 02/14/09 12:11 AM
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Yeah! Long live the M60 crew!

Seriously though, the M80s (since that is what you are talking about Cactrot) can handle a lot of "volume" both in the size of the room and the amount of watts put through them. Your mind will explode from the sure dB levels and your house will be shaking (without a sub even) before the M80s start to show any signs of distortion (and yes, ALL speakers distort at some point)... Axioms are that good. (maybe I should use another set of parenthesis again. oops)

Are they better than everything out there? Nope. Nobody has ever said that, but they are really good and for the price you are getting a bargain at the same time.

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