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Re: I moved house and now my speakers sound bad, help? Hafwen 06/26/24 09:52 PM
Like you, I love my speakers (M60 Ti towers), but after the move, they lost their sharpness and depth. Despite keeping everything else the same, the acoustics in the new room just weren't cutting it.

I recently came across an article with some great tips that really helped me. It suggested considering the room's acoustics and trying acoustic isolation techniques to improve sound quality. For instance, using specialized speaker feet or even experimenting with decoupling methods like sand-filled platforms might help restore that crisp sound you miss. Check out more tips here: . Exploring these options could be a game-changer for getting your Axiom speakers sounding amazing again in your new space.
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Technical Questions Jump to new posts
Re: M3 amplified bookshelf speakers Question Hambrabi 06/25/24 11:35 PM
Line level by definition does not have volume control, so you'll always be adjusting both the M3 and subwoofer output levels at the source and the sub any time you want to change the volume.

I'd personally just use the subwoofer output of the powered M3 speakers' front channels. The convenience is clear and noticeable; any improvement in audio clarity wouldn't be.

If you have existing issues with a ground loop hum, that would be a different matter altogether.
1 170 Read More
Cinéma-Maison Jump to new posts
Managing Vigilant Accomplishment: Capella FlexPath halorawill 06/25/24 11:24 PM
In the strong scene of present day tutoring, Capella School's FlexPath evaluations stand as basic pieces of changed learning endeavors. These appraisals, including Capella 4040 Evaluation 1, Nurs FPX 8045 Evaluation 3, and Capella 4050 Assessment 1, should survey students' power clearly material while allowing them to progress at their own speed. Anyway, these evaluations can periodically introduce troubles, provoking the fundamental for strong web based class help affiliations. These affiliations expect an essential part in supporting students by giving changed help and resources hand made to the specific necessities of each and every examination.
Capella FlexPath Appraisals
Capella School's FlexPath appraisals go most likely as focal designated spots in the academic journey of students seeking after versatile, limit based training. These capella flexpath assessments are unequivocally made to evaluate students' cognizance and use clearly contemplations, ensuring they satisfy intensive educational standards while progressing at their own speed. Not a small dab like standard instructing models, FlexPath assessments should be versatile, allowing students to show their greatness through various plans like articles, tries, presentations, or tests. This approach obliges different learning styles as well as draws in students to parade their knowledge and cutoff points in affinities that line up with their ruler targets.
In like manner, Capella FlexPath evaluations are basic to the patched up an open door for development, offering students ideal assessment and expected open entryways for improvement. Through these assessments, students gain fundamental scraps of information into their resources and regions for movement, working with decided learning and improvement. By highlighting limit and pervasiveness rather than essential affirmation of coursework, Capella FlexPath examinations plan students to apply their understanding in asserted settings, ensuring they are ready to win in their explanations behind living and really center around their fields of study.
Online Class Help Associations
Online class help organizations with having become significant resources for students investigating the complexities of virtual learning conditions. These online class help services with dealing with a considerable number of educational necessities, offering assistance with errands, instructing gatherings, test arranging, and by and large course the board. They give a lifeline to students rearranging various commitments, offering flexibility in arranging and modified help uniquely crafted to individual learning styles. By using ace heading and resources, students can redesign how they could decipher course materials, work on academic execution, and achieve their educational goals even more effectively.
Furthermore, online class help organizations with empowering an agreeable learning environment where students can attract with capable mentors and coaches. These specialists make sense of inconvenient thoughts as well as draw in students with methodology for utilizing time beneficially, focus on techniques, and unequivocal thinking skills. Whether pursued careful ventures like Capella School's FlexPath or traditional electronic courses, students benefit from the convenience and capacity that online class help organizations with offering, ensuring they get the crucial assistance to succeed academically and masterfully.
Capella 4040 Appraisal 1
Capella 4040 Evaluation 1 fills in as a central designated spot inside Capella College's educational plan, especially in programs underlining authority and hierarchical way of behaving. This capella 4040 assessment 1 commonly centers around assessing's comprehension understudies might interpret key speculations and ideas connected with authority adequacy, hierarchical elements, and key navigation. It frequently includes errands, for example, case investigations, basic reflections, or vital arranging works out, pointed toward surveying understudies' capacity to apply hypothetical information to genuine situations. Effective finishing of Capella 4040 Evaluation 1 exhibits dominance obviously material as well as plans understudies to explore complex hierarchical difficulties with informed authority viewpoints.
To excel in Capella 4040 Assessment 1, students often benefit from leveraging online resources, peer collaboration, and faculty guidance available through Capella's FlexPath programs. These resources help students deepen their understanding of leadership theories, enhance their analytical skills, and develop coherent arguments supported by evidence. By engaging actively with course materials and leveraging supportive services, students can effectively demonstrate their comprehension and application of leadership principles, setting a strong foundation for future academic and professional success in leadership roles within diverse organizational contexts.
Nurs FPX 8045 Assessment 3
Nurs FPX 8045 Assessment 3 at Capella University's FlexPath program is a critical evaluation designed to assess advanced nursing competencies in areas such as leadership, policy advocacy, and healthcare ethics. This nurs fpx 8045 assessment 3 challenges students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, emphasizing the integration of evidence-based practices and ethical decision-making frameworks. Through this assessment, students demonstrate their ability to critically analyze complex healthcare issues, propose innovative solutions, and advocate for patient-centered care approaches that align with professional standards and regulatory requirements.
The Nurs FPX 8045 Assessment 3 encourages students to engage deeply with contemporary healthcare challenges, fostering skills in leadership and advocacy essential for advancing nursing practice. By grappling with scenarios that mirror current healthcare dilemmas, students not only enhance their problem-solving abilities but also cultivate a deeper understanding of the ethical dimensions inherent in nursing leadership. Ultimately, this assessment prepares nurses to navigate the complexities of modern healthcare environments, equipping them to lead initiatives that promote quality care and patient safety within their professional roles.
Capella 4050 Assessment 1
Capella 4050 Assessment 1 serves as a critical milestone in the Capella University curriculum, particularly within the context of the FlexPath learning model. This assessment is designed to evaluate students' understanding and application of strategic leadership principles in healthcare settings. It typically involves a comprehensive analysis of case studies, requiring students to demonstrate their ability to assess organizational challenges, propose effective solutions, and justify their recommendations based on strategic management theories and best practices in healthcare administration. By engaging with Capella 4050 Assessment 1, students not only deepen their knowledge of strategic leadership but also hone their critical thinking and decision-making skills essential for leadership roles in healthcare.
Successfully navigating capella 4050 assessment 1 often involves thorough preparation and a deep understanding of healthcare management principles. Students may leverage resources provided by Capella University, including online class materials, academic support services, and peer collaboration, to enhance their learning experience. This assessment not only assesses academic proficiency but also prepares students to apply strategic insights to real-world healthcare challenges, ensuring they are well-prepared to contribute effectively to healthcare organizations upon completion of their studies.
In conclusion, Capella University's FlexPath assessments, supported by robust online class help services, exemplify a commitment to personalized learning and academic success. Assessments such as Capella 4040 Assessment 1, Nurs FPX 8045 Assessment 3, and Capella 4050 Assessment 1 challenge students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, fostering critical thinking and professional growth. Through tailored support and resources, students are empowered to navigate these assessments effectively, enhancing their skills in healthcare leadership and strategic management. Together, these components underscore Capella's dedication to preparing students for impactful roles in their respective fields, equipped with the knowledge and expertise to thrive in dynamic healthcare environments.
0 64 Read More
The Water Cooler Jump to new posts
Re: Dead Site rrlev 06/23/24 06:43 PM
I just listen to a bit of that part … think I’m going to have to listen to the whole interview now … damn … not enough hours in a day to keep up with all the stuff I want to keep up with … forget about doing anything real!
37 5,163 Read More
The Water Cooler Jump to new posts
Re: Dead Site rrlev 06/23/24 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Hambrabi
uses DSP to design their target curves, and then clone that using analog crossovers
That’s really interesting… initially that struck me as brilliant… but then I started wondering if it would that been more obvious if I designed crossovers … the active crossover thing has been going on for a while now especially in pro audio area. Why not get the target parameters digitally and build a non active solution from that.
37 5,163 Read More
The Water Cooler Jump to new posts
Re: Dead Site Hambrabi 06/23/24 04:01 PM
From Soundstage Network's interview with Ian Coulquhoun, he hinted about future Axiom loudspeakers that would reach the market by the end of 2025.

It seems like Axiom will incorporate the same module technology that Bryston uses to switch between single amp, bi-amp, tri-amp, and active for their T10 series (he calls it a door). The LFR 1100 Active will stay the same; he's hinted many times that it's a loudspeaker stereo pair that doesn't lose double blind listening tests, and has the listening window and sound power composite curves controlled to within +/- 1.0 dB. Those SOTA stats would get you a direct radiating loudspeaker Olive score better than 7.5 before adding a sub.

He also talked about driver component variability as a consequence of manufacturing variance, something Floyd Toole also discussed in his talk at CIRMMT. Reading between the lines, Axiom and Bryston don't have that problem because they've invested in the quality control equipment, and other loudspeaker companies haven't. And that's part of what you're paying for with Axiom's elevated prices. smile (time cued) (time cued)

Finally, Ian mentioned that their design process uses DSP to design their target curves, and then clone that using analog crossovers. I suspect that the v.3 and v.4 iterations were a product of that process.
37 5,163 Read More
Technical Questions Jump to new posts
M3 amplified bookshelf speakers Question SpaDogs 06/23/24 02:12 PM
I have two pairs of M3 amplified bookshelf speakers. I want to know if the “sub” output is a summed line out with the crossover in the woofer?

Currently the speakers are getting their signals from my audio interface. What I plan to do is sum the line level signals from all four channels and send it to the woofers from the audio interface directly.

Just want to know of there are in special considerations. As it stands, the line level sent to each channel is -30 db and I would do the same for the summed signals for the woofers.
1 170 Read More
The Water Cooler Jump to new posts
Re: Dead Site rrlev 06/22/24 12:22 PM
New and exciting speakers are interesting but changing the design for change sake is more marketing excitement then step forward audio wise.

The revolution in my mind is combining digital processing, room and psychoacoustics, with speaker placement. If that requires changes to the speaker design to get the air to move in the way needed then I’m all for it
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Re: Dead Site 2x6spds 06/22/24 08:57 AM
Oh look! All my friends are here! Good to see you all.

Yes, audio is a great hobby. I think discussion of general audio matters could liven up our site. I posted recently about a wrong road (uneconomical) taken in pursuit of audio nirvana. It's not an inexpensive hobby. That's what I loved about Axiom. My first pair of M3Tis cost about $275 and knocked my socks off. Now, they are almost $600. I know the value of the dollar has sure fallen hard in the last 3 years, but I sure wish Axiom could help with the price of entry level speakers with great sound quality. Maybe, they could also come out with a higher end line with some more advanced technology ... like separate chambers for tweeter, mids and bass woofers, some 8" drivers, or even, dare I say it, 12" drivers. Maybe even an Open Baffle speaker ... that should save on the cabinet costs and challenge Ian and Andrew with a new cross-over design.

Of course, we have the LFR series which are very interesting! Magnepan is coming out with a new speaker with external DSP and which will require separate amplification for highs, mids and lows. Sound familiar? Of course, their customers will have to find their own amps, unlike Axiom.

This site could have helped Axiom market their wonderful speakers. Dead don't help.

I know Axiom is busy with Bryston, Magnum Dynalab and who knows what other acquisitions are in the works. I hope Ian has the time and energy to come up with some new Axiom speakers which excite the audio community.
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Stereo Jump to new posts
Re: Great Budget Phono Cartridge and Vinyl Section 2x6spds 06/22/24 01:58 AM
Don't lick your fingers and touch those tubes. Turn you into a smokin' raisin it will.
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Re: Michaura M66 and Super Tweeter 2x6spds 06/22/24 01:53 AM
Realistic was their brand. I had a friend with a whole Realistic set up in the late 70s. Sounded great.
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Re: Great Budget Phono Cartridge and Vinyl Section 2x6spds 06/22/24 01:11 AM
[Linked Image from]
[Linked Image from]

Does sound beautiful.
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Re: Dead Site SirQuack 06/22/24 12:57 AM
Rick good to see another USAian stopping back in from the good ole days. smile
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Re: Great Budget Phono Cartridge and Vinyl Section 2x6spds 06/21/24 07:30 AM
What happened? I told my audio dealer buddy how good the Denon DP45f and Goldring E3 sounded. Was that a polite sneer? Yes, yes it was. "You should get the Hana ML and a real table." That's a better sounding cart. He gave me a good deal, $1000. I'll take it I said. He mounted it on the Denon.

So, after listening to the Hana ML on the gorgeous Denon DP45f for a while, I realized there was a problem. The height if the Hana ML is taller than the Goldring E3. There is no height adjustment on the Denon Tracer tonearm and if the record was not perfectly flat some part of the cart would bump the record.

So, I was faced with a problem. If I sold the Hana ML, I'd take a bath. So, I retired the Denon and picked up a well reviewed Mofi Ultradeck that would fit the Hana. What a piece of junk. They could have spent more than 25 cents on the lift mechanism and the arm lock is a joke. Good news, the Hana ML fit. Bad news, sounded like trash. Now, I'm in for some real money and moving backwards fast.

So, I returned the Ultradeck and swapped it for a new Technics 1210G. I may have gotten a good deal on the Hana, but now I'm approaching mid 4 figures for the Hana on the Technics.

The sound quality is great! I'm happy with the sound but my purse is lighter for sure.

I loved the sound of the old Denon table with the $169 Goldring E3 cart. This pricey rig definitely sounds glorious. But, if I could go back in time, I'd be spinning the Denon with the Goldring, enjoying great sound quality and my purse would be full instead of empty.

I'll post some pix when I figure out IMGUR again.

Chasing the audio rabbit ... improved sound quality.
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The Water Cooler Jump to new posts
Re: Dead Site rrlev 06/20/24 11:04 PM
It’s temping but you need to really differentiate your self. Better info and more entertainment than the next guy. Also it has to be something you really enjoy because it is a non-stop job to get it up and running and that goes double if it goes anywhere … grin
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Re: Dead Site Hambrabi 06/20/24 08:54 PM
Tristan's content isn't my cup of tea, but his video editing skills are impeccable. It might take me a few years to reach that level.

Social media platforms are very democratic; anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection can upload content that can reach billions.

On the other hand, they're also winner-takes-all contests, where there's a handful of winners in a vast sea of anonymous nobodies drowning in a sea of content noise. I called it an r-select environment in my sociology book, but it's better known generically as a Pareto distribution.

My brother and niece both have YouTube channels. My brother is a prolific traveller and does travel videos that reach a small following using nothing more than direct uploading from an iPhone. My workaholic niece (Morgan Ekroth) has turned hers into a business, I guess you can do that with 6 million Tik Tok and a million YT followers. smile
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Re: Dead Site BBIBH 06/17/24 10:50 AM
My son and his buddies decided to start a Youtube channel. It has been a few years, but they started to have fun more recently. It is based on Minecraft and animation. Check it out -

They have some talent, but Minecraft is not my thing.
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Re: Dead Site Hambrabi 06/17/24 01:25 AM
Forums have their place. Content creators have the advantage of being heard among the sea of noise, but it takes hours to script, shoot A/B roll, splice, edit, and post stuff. Even my occasional articles here take 6-12 hours to compose. Forums are a great place for people like you and I to say something short and stupid for posterity. smile

Speaking of content creation, I’m playing around with launching a YouTube channel. It’s a vast learning curve and a giant time suck, so I have to be decide whether it’s worth it.

There’s a giant content void on social status and consumerism, and my rival David Marx (author of “Status and Culture: How Our Desire for Social Rank Creates Taste, Identity, Art, Fashion, and Constant Change”, whom I beat to market by 4 months, booyah! And his sales numbers suck like mine, which means he’s made even less money than me because he sold his soul to a publisher.) hasn’t made his move yet.
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