In reply to:

I will have to disagree with Jack, he just used Axiom as an example

I'm not quite sure what you are disagreeing with. Are you saying you don't think he has singled out Axiom? If this is your meaning, we WILL have to disagree. Two threads within as many weeks? I haven't done a search, but I have not seem him posting graphs for every other company who's graphs don't exactly match their claimed specs.

And, yes the thread WAS about Axiom. That just backs up my suspicion that he is angry enough that he will show up in ANY thread about Axiom to make his point. What I hope for from this thread, is enough hard facts to effectively refute his arguments.

I made only one post in that thread where I pointed out he was linking to out of date graphs (which he is does with the full knowledge that more current graphs exist), and I posted current graphs. Is that what you mean be being "defensive"?

I don't quite understand your reference to the Ascend graph. It was one posted by him in the AVS thread, and I only posted it here as an example of a graph that DOES match the companies claimed specs. In addition, I wanted to show that Ascend labels the claimed specs as "anechoic." I consider this a positive, and would like to see Axiom do the same thing.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton