Bug: I have been out of town for the past 7 weekends so I haven't had much time to visit the boards during the week. It never ceases to amaze me how much time I spend doing things around the house, yard, cars, wife, daughter, etc.

I don't actually have the new Sony yet. They told me that it was shipped last Monday, so, I expect to receive it sometime this week (if all goes well).

As you know, I came within a "frog hair" of buying a Samsung, but I had a few "issues" that I just couldn't resolve.

At the risk of sounding a little impatient (I have been in the market for a new TV since last February), I have NOT seen one of the new Sony SXRDs yet. I've viewed the Sammy and Mits, but not the Sony. There isn't one to be seen here in town. I REALLY wanted to see one, in the flesh, first, but I just got tired of waiting. The deciding factor was that the new user reviews were different with the Sony than the Sammy.

Here's hope'n.

The Rat. M80s, VP-150, QS8s, SVS PC 20-39+, OPPO, Onkyo 703s, Harmony 880 Sony 60" SXRD HDTV