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British speakers ... generally don't have power handling the equal of, say, the M80ti's, which we routinely run past 800 watts per channel in our chamber
Yikes! I'll remember that when I want to hear the sound of a jet taking off at "realistic" levels. Truth is that I want to listen at "theater sound levels". I don't listen to my music at concert levels. The loudest I ever listened to music (at a short duration) was with a direct feed of an Adcom CD player thorugh an Adcom GFA-535II (about 60W per channel) to a pair of Mirage M3-si speakers (inefficient). This was as loud as I would ever listen and would never listen to it at that level for extended periods (forget about the wife giving me what for). Unfortunately I did not have a SPL meter.
In addition to this, I bought the Monitors before I found out about Axiom. When I first saw the Axiom ad on a web site, I just thought "blah, blah, blah... another speaker company" not realizing that it was a Canadian manufacturer.
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Come to think of it, the timbral blend with the center and main speakers is really crucial, so why aren't you considering a Monitor Audio center channel speaker? Or, alternatively, getting two Axiom main speakers that will provide an excellent timbral match to the VP100?
Hey I thought you were supposed to be the resident technical expert, not marketing
I had always thought about that issue. It has been talked about for ages, ensuring that the timbral qualities of the center matched the mains. When I had brought this issue up with our local audiophile shop (where I originally bought my Mirage speakers and who also carry Montior Audio), they told me that, while they used to tell everyone that timber matching is important, they now believe that for home theater it doesn't really make that much of a difference.
This confused the heck out of me since I don't get the opportunity to listen to the effects of different drivers on home theater listening. I usually have to trust people who do listen to these types of setups for a living (much like yourself). I honestly believed that I could get away with "close enough". The Axioms use metal cone drivers as does the Monitor Audio (albeit coated). They are both accurate speakers.
I have indeed considered selling the Monitors for a pair of Axioms, especially since Axiom came out with the "Mounties". However, I'd still be fine with M22ti speakers mounted from brackes. That way I could aim them.
If a M22ti sounds the same as a M80 with just less output (and obviously less low frequency...I will use a sub anyway), then that is what I would "need".
What speakers do
you currently use for listening to music?