JM Labs Utopias? Incredibly good speakers. He may want to wait for an A/B demo in his room or yours before he throws them away. Room acoustics are a major and unsung factor in audio sound. JM Labs makes wonderful speakers - Utopias? Top shelf world class.

Axiom makes great speakers, and I believe Axiom could make speakers as wonderful as the Utopias.

I hope our friends spend part of their winter in the frozen north listening to some Utopias, some Reference 3a de capo mm i's, and come up with Axiom speakers which will match them for $1500 a pair. Axiom's greatness is superb sound quality at a great price, but there are some big Knockers out there ... don't lose perspective.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.