You and Rick are both half correct. When I built the HT cabinet I made provisions for a roll out shelf should it be needed. Once the cabinet was finsihed and the M80 was insdie of the cabinet, I did not find a need to build the shelf. I did a lot of comparing the sound with the 80 in and out of the cabinet, and out of about 20 people that heard the system over the months, no one could detect any noticable differance in sound, and this was done at normal levels, so it was not that they sound level was so high thery was no accurate way of telling. LOL

Since it worked out well before, the new design will have even a larger area for the center speaker to be housed in, but if need be, I can always add a roll out for the speaker., will see how it goes.

Also the HT web pages are being updated/changed, so things can be a bit wierd for now....its a spare time thing I'm working on.