Welcome treyp1.

Your room isn't too big, so I don't believe that floorstanders are necessary, unless you like your music really loud. My room is similar to yours in size and my M22's sound excellent IMO. Center, again you don't *need* the VP150 as the VP100 should fill that size of room just fine. You can consider the VP150 if you plan to move to a bigger room eventually to avoid upgraditis.

As for surrounds, the choice for 5.1 or 7.1 is up to you. Your room is small enough that 5.1 should be very effective and a couple of well placed QS8's would give you a very enveloping experience. If you find this insufficient, you can always order another set of speakers later.

The sub choice is a little harder to suggest. An EP350 would fill that room with enough bass, but an EP500 gives you much more extension and even more power . I upgraded from a 350 to a 500 recently and the different in extension is clearly audible, but in the upper-bass range the two sound quite similar. If you had budgeted for floorstanders and 7.1 (and decide to go with bookshelves and 5.1), you might want to dump the money saved into a nice sub like the EP500. You won't regret it for many years to come. There's also other options you can look at too, such as an HSU VTF3-MK3 or one of the SVS subs. These both offer excellent performance as well, but won't match the finish you decide on for the rest of your speakers (unless you go with black).

Don't forget that you can order from the factory outlet, which gives you 10% off with the possibility of a slight cosmetic blemish and a bit of a wait. The speakers are brand new (not used) but can't be sold for full price since they may have a minor nick or scratch. Most users who buy them can never find what's wrong with them. They will sound as good as regular price speakers. You also get another 5% off if you order 5 or more items at the same time.

Just a few ideas to get you started. Good luck deciding and enjoy .

____________________________ M22 VP100 QS8 EP500 Yamaha HTR-5960