My room isn’t very big, so the ‘sweat spot’ is really three but-spaces on the couch across the width of the room. With my two vertical centers I can’t detect this comb filtering or any other undesirable effects when I sit in the middle, right or left side of the couch. I suppose if someone had a pretty large room (20 feet wide or so), there may be some sonic anomalies…..but there are none in my 12’ wide room. I did have to experiment quite a bit with placing the M22’s. If I had them 12” apart or closer, the center channel was localized to the center of the screen. If I moved them too far apart, the center channel just sounded “off”. I’ve got them about 30” apart now and they sound great. I also tried towing them in and out and that didn’t do much. I leave them pointing straight into the room now.

One of these days I may try two VP’s under/over the screen, but I’ve got better things to spend money on for the time being.