
I'm impatient. Since I'm a member of Amazon.com Prime, I only have to pay $4.99 per item to get Saturday Delivery. It would have been nice if I could have selected just Saturday Delivery for the player, and let the HD DVDs come via 2-Day, but I didn't see any options for different shipping methods on an item-by-item basis. Still, under $20 for Saturday Delivery isn't bad at all, and even though the three HD DVDs were free from the promotion, I still got the 10% off from a previous promotion (which was supposed to be discontinued a while ago, but still isn't). So I saved $6.79 that way. The only bad part of it is that Amazon.com is based in Washington, so I have to pay sales tax. Still, $404 after everything, and now I just have to wait until it gets here. I'm thinking it will be late today, as they were in Ohio as of a couple minutes ago.

I may have to do the phaser thing myself. I was never a big Star Trek fan, but I think I may like to watch the old series again. I know my mom would love it.