The 80's put out killer bass, as do the 60's. During many auditions I hear "are you sure you turned off your sub?".

Paul, something is wrong with your setup if you are not getting bass from your 80's. Either it is related to your positioning in the room of the 80's, or the way you have your bass management setup.

I've always run my 80's on Small with an 80hz crossover, sometimes 60hz. What is confusing is you say LFE+Main, this should not be an option with the 80's set to small. That option opens up when they are set to large.

M80s VP180 4xM22ow 4xM3ic EP600 2xEP350
AnthemAVM60 Outlaw7700 EmoA500 Epson5040UB FluanceRT85