I ran the M80s on my Denon 1804 for several months till I couldn't resist the 3808 and its features any longer. Denons as far as I can tell, are very stable, rock solid receivers. I even ran my low end 1804 with 2 M22 and a Vp150 all paralleled for several hours with about 85db - no problems what so ever. The 4802 on it's own is more than capable of running the M80s, save your money up till you can get an even bigger seperate amp. The 4802 should be upwards of 180W into 4 ohms, even more than your seperate. To really hear a difference you need to be looking at 250W or more seperate amps.

M80 v2
VP160 v3
QS8 v2
PB13 Ultra
Denon 3808
Samsung 85" Q70