Upon driving through atlanta...ugh. Hot. No ocean breeze (that made my stay in Florida bearable with the heat).

Alaska! That would be extreme, but interesting. I'm sure my sleep schedule would get messed up with the sun being out for more than 20 hours or less than 4 depending on the season. Hmm...

North Carolina seems like a nice place, I should look into that too. It's been in the back of my mind but I never really considered it that much. Southern hospitality sounds great :D.

Canada *might* be a stretch...I might have to get over some fun rivalry I've always had with some Canadians...and to "convert" and become one of them? Ha.

One of the nice things is that I have a few friends that definitely want to move somewhere else...so I might be able to take some friends with me wherever I go :D.

Thanks for the input you guys! This is kind of the time in my life where I think I know what I want to do, but I don't. Often I can get "tunnel vision" towards a goal, build that vision up over time, then wonder why that was my goal in the first place.

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