OK, you know I'm the Apple fanboy.

I use a Time Capsule, 2 Airport Extremes and an Airport Express in my house. I have a lot of 'stuff' that needs network connections like Apple TVs, Tivos, PS3, Wii, Slingbox, etc. And yes, the 4 port limitation is a PITA. You can get around that limitation if you keep your existing Linksys and use it only as a wired bridge to add more ports. (I do this.) You could also keep it as a Wifi router and use multiple BSSIDs (Wifi links) in your house in order to separate traffic. I use one Time Capsule at 5GHz to allow this the be the 'big' pipe in the house for fast transfers and Wifi backups. For all other traffic which doesn't need bandwidth, I use the Airport Extreme at 2.4 GHz. On the other side of the house, I needed several wired ports for a Tivo and Slingbox (a friend uses it to Sling TV in Switzerland). I use a 2nd Airport Extreme to connect to the first one and then provide 4 ports of ethernet in this other location. Works great and is easy to set up.

W/ the Airport stuff, the Airport Utility is really easy to use. Any Apple router just shows up and you can configure it on any PC or Mac. And yes, you can reboot any Apple router from this GUI.

I do use the Time Capsule for Time Machine backups on our 3 Macs. Works great. But the backups take up space, depending on how much history you keep. I repurposed a slightly used La Cie drive and hooked it up to one of the Airport Extremes and it's used as NAS that way. Works fine, I can easily stream videos (I've tried up to 2 GB files) from it to a Mac w/ no stuttering.

The newer Airport Extremes are nice because they are dual band. That means 1 router will do 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz simultaneously. Very cool feature and eliminates one box compared to my config. However, you still have the 4 port limitation.

The big Apple cons are cost, 4 ports, and the fact that the Time Capsule runs HOT. If you can get past that, great hardware. Maybe wait until after next Tues Apple announcement to see what's coming. Though I do think it's only iPod related.

Check CL in the Bay Area. 1 quick showed one for $75 in Campbell. Don't get the round one, you want any of the square ones.