Thanks for the report. This kind of detail is always welcomed, no matter how many posts there are on it (and I don't recall any this specific, where someone was able to test them all at once in the same room with optimal placement etc. Two questions --

  • Did you make a direct comparison in 2-channel stereo of the M22/sub vs. M60/no-sub set-up?
  • And whether or not you did this, at what level did you set the cross-over from mains to sub when the M60s (and M22s) were using a sub and set to "small"?

PS - As an anecdotal contribution, I too have the M60s and a Hsu STF-2. My wife DESPISES all configurations & placements I've tried using the sub FOR MUSIC (NOT HT - ALWAYS GREAT ON HT). I'm a bit more open minded about it than her, but the end result is I more or less agree and so for music we're pure M60s except when I feel like playing around. What I have noticed, listening in our decent but somewhat challenging 14'x18' room with an open wall along the back, is that when I'm in the ideal listening position for 2-channel, the sub-on/M60s pairing can work great on lots of music (David Gray's "White Ladder" album offers great tests for bass integration, and it's a fantastic CD too). But when one of us is at the back of the room, or in the adjoining kitchen, or generally outside the sweet spot, the sub & M60 pairing is much harder to pull off -- whereas M60s alone sound great. By themselves there's a bit less on the approaching-sub-sonic low end, of course, and there's perhaps ever so slightly less crystalline info in the mids and highs, but the overall integration works more seamlessly. This is outside the sweet spot, mind you, but that's a pretty frequent reality for us.

"These go to eleven."