I rarely disagree with Craig. He is one of the sages of the board.

But I'm going to just to be ornery

So, you have a considerable investment in SACD hardware, but have not even heard the glories of multichannel audio? Without going into some long, rambling treatise, let me just urge you to audition some stuff at a local shop. Go and really listen to how movies, DVDA and SACD *can* sound on a modern, multichannel setup and then decide. I think 5.1 is the present and future of audio.

You'd certainly have more tools in your audio/video arsenal.

Even my wife has been very happy with our upgrade from Dolby Surround to Dolby Digital. Combined with a membership to Netflix, we watch more movies than ever before. I'm getting a lot more *use* out of my audio/video appliances than I used to.

I guess I just think you're passing up some really cool possibilities by not entertaining the notion of home theatre. I moved my old Yamaha integrated amp to the bedroom, and it still serves me well.

bibere usque ad hilaritatem