If you watch the video, more can be done with less ,by using a well designed driver taking advantage of advancements in driver technology. I understand not everyone shares the same views,we are human smile I dont have any of the issue's you eluded to and yet the M80 is a multi driver unit with a very simple and well though out(aparently) crossover design along with drivers built by axiom to their teams specifications.

I also dissected my HPM 900's and they were to my ears a great speaker and they play the woofer full range with only a crossover for the mids,tweet and super tweet.

I guess a car analogy would be if i have a 10 second street car,would i feel any better if it ran a 9.99 quater mile.Alot of hard work/expense for that extra 10th second. I listen mostly to rock so i am jaded in that sense. I am not a golden ear and i dont listen to bach to see if d minor sounds like it should. I do know that my van halen sounds alot like it sounded in concert 30yrs ago near as i can remember. grin

Last edited by Socketman; 01/28/12 11:05 PM.

DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry