Since it takes 8 weeks for exam results I would say the scotch smile.

I'd be surprised if I don't pass. The morning sessions was easy, I'm sure I aced it. The afternoon was pretty tough, but I think I did well. There were several obscure questions on topics that I was familiar with in general, but the specifics of the problem came from left field.

Overall I think I did really well. I was excited waking up for the test, only nervous about 30 minutes before. I was nervous for about the fist 5 minutes of testing in the morning and the first 10 minutes in the afternoon. Otherwise, I was in a pretty good rhythm solving problems. I was looking forward to turning the page and seeing what they could throw at me next. I would say I was over prepared for the general morning session, and adequately prepared for the afternoon discipline specific questions. Who knows until I get my actual results though...
