I think it all comes down to personal taste (and budget). If I had unlimited funds and a dedicated HT room I would have one set of speakers for music (focusing on DVDA) and another set for HT. Unfortunately myself as well as most of us don't have that luxury. So we have to compromise. That is why it is generally recommended to listen to a bunch of different speakers and make up your own mind rather than relying on the opinions of others. If you hop over to the Spot there are dedicated followers of Axiom and also Rockets. Both rave about the greatness of each brand yet you probably couldn't find 2 more tonally different speakers out there. Myself, I want an accurate speaker even if it means some of my music sounds less than ideal. Sure this way my poorly recorded songs sound worse than usual but on the flip side the well mastered songs really sing (no pun intended ). Not to get on a whole other subject but equipment plays a role in how your music sounds as well. Paired with my old Sony the Axioms as others described were a tad "bright" but paired with the Denon they have mellowed out a bit.