
I think those Arualex treatments are pretty expensive and I'm not convinced that there is anything special about the material that they use. I could be wrong though.

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How does the MMG 1.6 compare to an Axiom speaker like the M80/M60?

I'm almost afraid to answer that one for fear of coming off as an infidel here on the Axiom board (I do own some Axioms BTW). I won't try to compare the M80/M60 to the Maggies but I will tell you what I like about planar dipoles:

1.With box speakers, It always sounds to me like the sound is coming from..well...boxes situated in the room. Box less speakers, IMO, pull off the disappearing better than boxes.

2. I'm a nut for clear and precise imaging and sound stage dimensionality with realistically natural size. Sound stage depth and width is most impressive with boxless speakers and it's an illusion that I'm hooked on. I just love it when speakers make it appear as though the walls of the room have simply melted away.

3. IMO, boxless speakers seem to convey a better sense of space and outline and focus between different sounds from instruments and vocalist.

There are other good qualities but I don't want to sound like I'm waxing eloquent.

disclaimer to all: These are only one guys opinions and you know what they say about opinions....

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BTW, your wall sound treatment appears very interesting

And far, far cheaper!

I live the life I love and I love the life I live.