I had wondered aloud several times about finishing off the attic to gain a little more living space, but never made any specific plans to do so.

In the past two years, we replaced our furnace, put in new windows, a new roof and had the house sided. As we speak, the front porch renovation will be finished today.

What I'd really like to do is to add an addition to the back of the house…a window and skylight-filled, vaulted-ceiling addition (to be specific). Despite the house being on a main road and having lots of traffic noise in the front, in the back we have two lots, one of which is mostly wetlands and surprisingly free of most traffic noise. Those windows will allow the southern sun and bird tweeting into the room, while the dimensions and ceiling height will help my Axiom Tweeting… and woofing. When / if that room happens, you'll hear me speak no more of Thy Room That Sucketh (TM).

All I need is $100~$150K that's lyin' around doin' nuthin'.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::