I understand the "Floorstander vs. Bookshelves and a sub" from the standpoint of room size or initial price. But there really are very, VERY few floorstanders in ANY price range that negate the need for a sub. With Bookshelves, you need a sub right away. But with floorstanders, you will still need a sub. Even Gene's setup, with his
$15k speakers, needs extra subs to get an even bass response. For most music you might not need to go that low but occasionally you will. For movies, a sub is a must. Getting just floorstanders and never getting a sub is like buying a car that tops out a 45 miles per hour (you canucks will have to convert that for me). Sure, it will work in the city but when you want to go on the highway, well, it just isn't going to cut it.