POST 2000! For my 2000th post, I wanted it to be something memorable.
Actually, the funniest thought I had about it is to never post it--stop @ 1999. I realized, however, that would please some people to no end, so I quickly dismissed it.
Before you watch the office-and-children inappropriate video, I have a related joke that my shrink told me this morning.
A man wakes up in the hospital. The attending nurse explains to him that he's been in a very bad car accident and the doctor will be right in to speak to him about it.
The doctor arrives and tells him he has some very bad news. "I'm afraid your penis was amputated in the crash." The man is horrified.
"Wait, wait," said the doctor. "There is some great news. We now have the capability to reconstruct one for you. Even better, your insurnace will pay up to $9,000!"
"Well how much is the surgery," the man asked.
"$1000 per inch, replied the doctor.
"I have to discuss this with my wife, as it's her decision as well."
"I understand. Is two days enough time to decide."
"I think so."
Two days pass. The doctor goes to the man's room to pay him a visit and learn of the decision.
"Well, have you and your wife had ample time to discuss this thoroughly?"
"Yes, we have."
"And what is your decision, then?"
We've decided to go with granite coutertops.