Working a complete redo at the moment.
Tried moving the HP's around over the last few days and really didn't like the differences I heard. I now know what "bloated" sounds like. Left alone I would't be able to turn my subs on, too much (muddy) bass already, just not what it was. I'm not blaming the speakers, I moved them...
I've reread up on speaker placement, specifically how it affects the bass.
I'm going backwards on one had, raising them back up 12" off the floor(they were there when I had my ah ha moment) but I brought them out from the rear wall a bit further than they were during the first layout. With 31" behind them the faces are now sitting at 1/5 of the way into the room. They will be fairly tight to the screen once installed.
At 13" to the sides from the wall they are a bit closer than they should be. Catch is the room is already narrow.
I turned the PJ on this morning before work and watched 45 minutes of Robots on the wall to get a feel for sounds entering and leaving from the left and right. I found them too close together at 8' on centre.
I'll definitely need to cut up the Safe and Sound I have but that was always the plan.
I'm hoping the difference in placement and a bit of corner treatment will help with the overall feel/sound. They sounded crazy good already, I just have to get it back.
When I had the room rebuilt I thought it would be easier to get a crisper sound. Crazy how different it is with the extra wall.
Long story long, I'm literally changing a pile of things at once.
Location, height, level, cables, AV tower orientation, AV tower height, seating locations, adding seats, moving my subs, adding DIY bass treatments...
I won't be listening to them again for another day or so, too much to do still.
This was the goal as of 6pm tonight. I only got the towers disconnected, raisers levelled, and the HP's installed in their exact locations (not what's shown, it didn't work because the centre was too close to the wall).
Tomorrow (today) is a new day.