We're really having communications problems on this board, aren't we?
Canes's space. He has over 10,000 cu ft I think.
I didn't give a good answer. Canes will have to experiment and keep some notes. Does it sound too boomy? Does it sound slow? Are the HP drivers distorting because he's sitting 15 to 20 ft away and has it cranked? Etc.
I'd start off with no sub for a few days at least. Then add the 500 and start experimenting with the cross-over on the receiver and the 500.
I've found on all my combos, it sounds best when the sub and receiver are crossed at the same frequency. I have my actives crossed at 40 on the DSP and the 500s set to 40 as well. But that boils down to preference I suppose based on room dynamics.