Yes, you can do that. Just make sure your tweeter when mounted in the end is at no higher than 5'. 4ft better. If they end up in my room I will plan for an inverted install. (My roughin was originally for wall brackets at 5')
Based on measurements taken this morning, using M5HP as surrounds is best if you can mount them low enough that you are +/- 10 degrees on the tweeter axis to ear height. They measured exceptionally well at 10 degrees under the listener axis. (Mojo does a cartwheel.
) Like other multiway speakers, they lobe under the tweeter axis a bit (but pretty acceptable actually.)
The horizontal plot was pretty consistent out to 20 degrees. Easily within a +/- 5db in room window.
+/- 20 vert degrees is more peaky in the response. Of course, I am being fussy. All in all they measured pretty dang well in a real room at 1m. Measurements confirmed they are designed to be listened to on axis horizontally and vertically.
The average of plots in each direction were exceptional. +/- 2.5db in room at 1m.
I will be putting M5OW in my room as surrounds at some point. I would not use them on a ceiling.
If anyone wants the files feel free to PM me with an email address and I will send you a zipped folder with all the plots. The M5HPs measured very well. Again, what a speaker. The averages will give you an idea of in room response above 200hz.
Average Horizontal- On axis to 30 degrees. Below 200hz ignore. Room loading near corner.
Average Vertical- On axis to +/-30 degrees. Below 200hz ignore. Room loading near corner.
Honey Axis listener +10 degrees above tweeter. The Mojo Axis.
Danger territory. 20 degrees below tweeter. Below 200hz ignore. Room loading near corner.